
Hi yeah someone help me please. Domain site names....!!!!!!!?

hi, i want to create and publish a web site with my chosen domain name, but i don't want to create it on freewebs or piczo or any other web hosting service sites. I want to create my own official site that has it's own personal domain name. And i want it to be COMPLETLEY FREE. Anyone know any sites?Please post links or any help you can give me. I am willing to do the coding/html myself, just the publishing i need done. Thanx in advance.
Hi yeah someone help me please. Domain site names....!!!!!!!?
It is really impossible to get a free domain. The best you can do is a domain redirection. (.tk, .co.nr) However, it is possible to find free domain hosting, although, it might carry some restrictions, i.e. it will probably be temporary, and there will probably be advertising.

My advice to you is to just start out on a freeserver, hone your web design skills, and then when you can, (I am assuming you are a teenager, and therefore, can't purchase a domain.) you can purchase your own domain/hosting. Purchasing a domain is really easier than finding it for free, because free domains don't exist.
Hi yeah someone help me please. Domain site names....!!!!!!!?
try: http://www.freedomain.co.nr

